I always love seeing how people use Lucky Dog Hot Sauce! If you send in an action photo of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce to luckydoghotsauce@gmail.com, I'll send you back a coupon!
The best customer photo ever - he was so excited to find his favorite sauce in a big supermarket!

Great pic submitted by Tamara W, one of my great San Rafael, CA farmer's market customers! What a great smile on those two....and the baby's a chilehead?!? "he already loves mild hot sauce! Just like his daddy". Awesome.
Randi M sent in this great picture of her 3 yr old - who's apparently already achieved chilehead status & loves Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Green Label!
"Red Wings" made with Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Red Label, submitted by Michael Lampros of Gunther's Gourmet. Michael says "2 to 1 ratio - Sauce to butter is the winner at my house - This ratio makes for some killer wings!!!" Who am I to argue with a die-hard hot wing fan?
Neal used my Green Label for his tacos, and man do they look tasty!

Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders back for more with a spectacular looking breakfast! Yum! One of my favorite ways to enjoy Lucky Dog Hot Sauce!
Well folks, we've had venison, we've had crab, but it took a special order to Australia for us to get 'roo burgers! "Booma" from Oz sent in this fantastic pic of his 'roo slider trio, each with its own flavor Lucky Dog Hot Sauce and grilled onions! From left to right, it's grilled pineapple, pickled beet and fried egg. Man those look great!
Here's one from the vegetarian Lucky Dog Hot Sauce fans - Jennifer sends in a masterpiece - what an epic breakfast!
Great pics from The Chili Hunter's review of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Orange Label
Tommy in SF submitted this pic - looks like a spectacular chicken sandwich with all the fixin's - yum!
April of Snappy's Cafe in Hayward, CA sent in this "Grown Up Grilled Cheese" picture - yummy yummy yum! I love grilled cheese! Snappy's is a great cafe with free wi-fi, open 7 days a week, beloved on Yelp and by all of her customers. Naturally they serve Lucky Dog Hot Sauce! Thanks April!
This array of deliciousness pic was sent in by Jim O. who had the Red Label on brisket, and home-pickled jalapenos and jalapeno-pickled egg - yum!
Tim H. is in Texas & they take their BBQ seriously - here's an amazing looking smoked boar, complimented perfectly with Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Red Label. Wow - awesome Tim, just awesome.
Patrick S. sent in a pic of his butter nut squash soup, spiced up to balance the sweetness with some Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Orange Label.
Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders strikes again with some more spectacular venison, complimented by the last prototype bottle of Black Label. YUM!
Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders mouth-watering pulled pork with Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Orange Label!
Paul Brown made sure Lucky Dog Hot Sauce made it to the crab feed!
Kevin M. says "Home-made pizza loves Lucky Dog Hot Sauce!"
And BBQ Master Cmac's Backyard BBQ couldn't get enough - we'd just had pizza at a brewery an hour earlier and he went home and had some more, just to chow down more Lucky Dog Hot Sauce!
Damn…mouth watering!!!
Wow! Amazing looking food.